I started at Ambee to learn what my future will hold if I stepped into the field of marketing. Instead, I learned something better – a lesson or two. Before I came here, I was utterly lost. I had no plans for the future and no real work experience. I assumed everything I did was right.
I continued to work every day with a careless attitude. I was not mindful of my words or actions and did not imply any strategies in my life. No set goals to achieve, always procrastinating, I went on with my life like a vagabond, living life based on my impulses.
Ambee changed this for me.
My first few weeks in Ambee went on as usual, but then everything changed with the COVID-19 lockdown. Talking and listening to the founder’s every day made me understand what it takes to be successful—the passion they run this company with, the self-driven enthusiasm, but more importantly, the discipline.
Discipline and commitment go hand in hand.
As my internship went on, I realized that committing to your goals is essential but structuring your goals is more important. Unless you have the self-driven passion and the motivation to make a plan from within yourself, your goals will be hard to achieve. Every day the plan should help you learn more from your previous day. Imposing self-made deadlines is a key step. You should be able to push yourself harder at every given moment, and this is possible only with discipline.
Discipline does not only mean walking in a straight line or talking politely. Discipline includes staying focused on the task at hand. It contains hard work and a tremendous amount of willpower not to let down the productivity curve. Discipline is taking care of your physical and mental health. Wake up every day at a set time, making your bed
With lessons and work ethics, I value for a lifetime, and I am now confident that I will be able to step into the real world, not be confused about my future. Ambee has given me a taste of what work-life will include. It has taught me the necessary basic skills. Now, the ball is in my court to continue my learning curve by developing new skills every day.
Another important perspective I gained at Ambee is to learn from my mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes but to recognize the mistake and learn from it the path to growth. It is vital to have someone as a mentor at every step taken. For me, this was done by the co-founder, Jaideep Singh.
With each passing day of working with him, I was motivated to work harder at every given task. Every day I watched him – work harder, take calls, and skillfully maintain a home and
There were times where I did not enjoy what I was doing. Sometimes, it is necessary to do things that you do not like that is where discipline plays a part. Many things in life are not fun and very mundane. Failing to do these tasks will set you off course. It may not be fun, but it needs to be done.
At the end of my internship, I would like to thank Ambee for giving me this opportunity to growing and making me feel a part of a wonderful tight-knit group. This whole journey has been wild and fruitful for me. Every day was more challenging than the previous one, and I’m glad I faced those challenges with the entire team.
This blog was written by Jaskaran Singh Grewal during his Internship at Ambee.